Health & Safety
At Distribution Maintenance Limited we believe that Safety is our number one priority and as responsible employers, that the company complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and everyone is safe from Injury and harm and the management team are committed to drive a positive safety culture at all levels within our business.
Our health and safety policy sets out our general approach and commitment together with the arrangements we have put in place for managing health and safety effectively within our business.
If you are thinking of approaching us, rest assured we will complete any task to the highest industry standards and make sure that our operations are safe for both our own employees and clients when working on their sites.
To show our commitment to Health and Safety we have appointed a local company Ramsay Safety Solutions Limited to act as our ‘Competent persons’ as required under Regulation 7 of The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999.
They will ensure that we continue to meet our legal obligations and continually improve our safety performance.
They can be contacted via their website on or on 0800 690 6293.
- Our activities are assessed and appropriate ’Safe Systems Of Work’ generated together with ‘Suitable and Sufficient’ Risk Assessments’
- Our teams have been trained on specific bespoke safety courses delivered by our appointed competent retained Health and Safety Consultant.
- We will be implementing a bespoke Health and Safety Management System so that continuous compliance is maintained.
- We will be implementing a rolling programme of regular Site Health and Safety audits and inspections that take place to ensure compliance to Health and Safety Legislation is adhered to.
- All of our equipment is regularly maintained in line with manufacturer’s guidance and statutory compliance.
- All of our employees are provided with ‘Suitable Personal Protective Equipment’ that meet relevant British Standards and this equipment must be worn at all times whilst on site.
- We reward our employees that report any ‘near-miss’ we believe this is proactive measure and prevents accidents leading to injuries.
- We regularly communicate ‘Toolbox Talks’ on various safety topics to remind our employees of the importance of working safely.
Our full Health and Safety Policy and insurance certification will be provided upon agreement of works.