More Exciting News!
Distribution Maintenance is on a roll – excuse the pun! We’ve just won another contract!
Next month Distribution Maintenance will take on the annual repair and maintenance of Olivo Thermotainers and the supply of spare component parts for our client. With over 800 Thermotainers in their operation Distribution Maintenance will happily rise to the challenge!

As a wholesale supplier to independent retailers serving over 5000 stores across the UK our client was struggling to find a solution for their damaged Thermotainers. Distribution Maintenance is the leading UK service provider to the Thermotainer and Roll Cage sector providing a specialist repair, refurbishment and maintenance service to all types of roll cages and other associated equipment. Therefore, we were very much able and willing to assist them.
Established in 1982, our business has become one of the most respected and experienced companies in this field. As such we are one of the only companies in the UK to be certified by Olivo to repair and maintain Olivo Thermotainers which put us in the unique position of being able to offer our client the service they were looking for.
In order to meet the exacting standards of Olivo, we were invited to their manufacturing site in the South of France. Here, our skilled engineers were fully trained in plastic welding in order to repair all Olivo Thermotainers and obtain their certification of excellence.
Having Safe Contractor Accreditation, Distribution Maintenance assures its customers that they are dealing with a professional and capable company with competence in health and safety practice.
Winning this contract is incredibly exciting and well deserved for Distribution Maintenance. So, keep an eye out for more news as we continue to grow and expand our business.
Distribution Maintenance offer a broad range of services including new roll cages, along with roll cage repair and maintenance, other associated equipment and accessories. Offering volume discounts and competitive rates, we can have your orders ready for delivery or collection within 24 hours, depending on peak periods.
Get in touch with us today to talk through your needs. Why not Chat to us online, call us on 01279 883 286 or send a message to or Further information about our full service range can be found on our website.